Self hosting configuration file

There are several settings that are passed to the docker container which runs the recorder app. Create a local config file using the configuration template.

mkdir ~/.sessionrecord && cd ~/.sessionrecord
curl -o config
chmod +x config

Some of these settings are mandatory and indicated by an asterisk(*) next to it.

Storage Location *

export RECORDER_DATA=/path/to/storage/folder

This variable should contain the absolute path of a folder where you want to store the recorded data. Make sure you have enough disk space on that drive too.

Email settings

Recorder app uses smtp to send emails for user activation, password reset and to send scheduled reports.

export SMTP_URL='smtps://'
export FROM_EMAIL=''
export SITE_URL='<>/<ipaddress:8080>'

Domain Settings for SSL

Specify a domain name to automatically enable SSL through Lets Encrypt Certificate. Ensure that the domain name points to a publicly accessible IP of your server. The email will be used for letsencrypt certificate notifications

export VIRTUAL_HOST=''
export SSL_EMAIL=''

Single Sign On

If you do not prefer to log in in with email and password every time, you can configure one or more of the single sign on methods.

Google Oauth can be configured as follows.

export GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

More authentication methods to be added in the future. Let us know if you have a preference by sending an email to

Continue to Launcher

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